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"I remember my first time on the reservation for LHNC Boot Camp like it was yesterday. I had been in lots of service-oriented groups over several years, but Love Has No Color was just different. There's lots of clichés about life changing experiences a person could say and they would all be true. From the moment we got there we went to work and the fun didn't stop for three days!
It felt like a lifetime of fulfillment and joy from serving people in just the time of one weekend. There were volunteers from all of North America (some came by the bus load!) playing and working right along strangers as if they had known each other their whole lives. There's something empowering about being a part of something bigger than yourself. With lots of different charities or non-profits you never actually see where the donation money goes, but with LHNC you get to see all of the toys, backpacks and donations being distributed right in front of you! You get to see the basketball courts, hockey rink, Geodomes, and movie theater that have been built from donations over the years.
It was astonishing me to experience first-hand the people living in third world conditions right here in our own back yard! It seemed like a scene out of a war movie, but they were the kindest people you would ever want to meet. All of the kids were so grateful and it makes you feel some kind of way knowing that you have made a difference in someone's life. By the end of the first day, my face was sore from smiling so much and it stayed that way the rest of the weekend. I can't wait to keep going back and helping out on the reservation for years to come."
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